Thursday, 31 January 2013

I am not gonna neglect my blog...I am NOT gonna negl....

This is the thought that kept popping ointo my head last few days....which must mean I havent been here in awhile...and that it's time for a new post! 

so...whats new you ask!?

Well, Sequoia-wise she is moving like crazy! cant sit still for one second....all she wants to do is walk holding onto our hands...she loves to stand...and her favorite  activity these days is Climbing! She climbs on Everything! shelves....chairs...and just loves standing holding onto furniture...we're in trouble once she starts walking! oh and she also can stand unassisted for a few secs at a time! 

Its so amazing to watch all the new things she learns every day! For example...she learned how to Point...and yesterday we were watching cartoons and I taught her how to now she claps! Its the cutest thing ever!

Its really Cold and gray here these days....with lots of snow on the ground so we're not going anywhere ...except for some walks...cant wait for Spring! I Need sunshine!

I feel like I wanted to write about something else, but just cant remember what it is! I hate when that happenes! 

Note to myself "Blog while memories are Fresh so you dont Forget!" :-P

Ok well, that's it for now....we'll be back with some photos!

Thursday, 10 January 2013

Love Books!

Sequoia is 8.5 mths and enjoys discovering the world around her....
She is not liking her exersaucer so much anymore...who would wanna sit in that thing when you can Move around!! her favorite thing to do these days is to pull ALL books off the shelve...
she just sits there and pulls them out....turns the pages...

Other thing she loves is to "walk" around while holding on to our hands...That baby just doesn't want to sit still...too much to see and explore!Gets that from her dad!

Oh, she "graduated" from swimming class! She is officially a Starfish!In Spring we'll sign her up for next level, which is "Duck" hehe

1st christmas...

I enjoyed this holiday season....In the previous years  when we were a little short on money it was a stressful and slightly depressing time of the year, but this year was different..we didn't go too crazy with the gifts
  but we had enough so that everyone got what they wished for ...

Also this was Sequoia's 1st Christmas! Just that alone makes this one the Best holiday to date!

Its becoming a tradition that we go to Alison's house for an amazing Christmas Eve feast every year, it was no different this yea...this is a photo of Sequoia and me from that evening...

It was a very fun evening! we had the most delicious glazed Ham...eggnog with a good amount of rum in it...who doesn't like that!?

and then we finished with playing Pictionary with Cheristy and Jamison...that was Hilarious!!

Christmas morning was awesome...I woke up...made coffee w Baily's  of course! started breakfast, then Jeff woke up so we opened our gifts!

It was a 1st for sequoia and
as you can tell from one photo when we 1st gave her the gift she was kinda like:
 "I don't know what you want me to do with this" ...But she figured it out quick...she Loved all the wrapping paper! She got a nice dress from Gramma & Grampa Lee....A spinning toy from us...and another little Monster ...named Zelda...shes got Benny already!

We went to Howard and Teresa's that afternoon for a yummy turkey dinner and good company...Always fun!

jeff was off from work for 2 weeks so it was nice just hanging out...we went ice skating with big Sissy few times...I made a lot of was just relaxing and nice time :)

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