Our little man turned 2 (few weeks ago!) TWO Already!!
I always say this...But I cant believe how time FLIES!! Seems like he was Just born...I remember those last days just before.....I was so TIRED of being pregnant and I just couldn't Wait for him to be out and to finaly meet him! And here he is now...a full Kid! Not a baby anymore (:/)
he has his own Big personality (as Aries, it was to be expected)..he knows Exactly what he wants...has certain ways he likes things....if anything is Not to his liking, you will Hear it. Most of the time he's a happy to just play with whatever he can find around the house.
LOves Trucks, Cars, Planes, Busses, Trains....prety much anything that has wheels and moves!
Loves climbing anything but big driftwood on beaches here are his very favourite!
He loves his big sister and follows her around EVERYWHERE!
He is Sweet and Cuddly!
Stubborn too!

But most of all, loving adorable and funny!
His smiley face is like sunshine...lights up the room!!
So thankful he is ours...couldnt imagine life without him!
We love you more than words can say!!
Happy Birthday!