Off to pick Big Sister up from school soon...and then to check out Fintry Park (& waterfall!!)
There will be NO photos...I lent my camera to a friend so she can can take some "Trash the Cake"
photos of her 1y old...I feel like I'm missing a Limb! :-/...
But I'll "steal" some photos off internet and show you were we went! Haven't been there before so I'm excited...
Oh have I mentioned there is a 150 stairs to climb to get to the waterfall viewpoint!/
Not so excited about that one....
Don't forget...I have 16 extra pounds to carry aka Baby! But I'm sure I'll feel great about doing it...once we are at the top!
Update: Fintry was great...Beautiful area....lots of history...pretty waterfall....Oh and whoever said there are 150 stairs - LIED! There are close to 500 stairs to climb to get to the top of the waterfall! But it was worth it!We all had fun as we always do when out exploring the nature...This was Sequoias 1st hike as well...I carried her in her she was able to look around and see everything...she loved it...After coming back down we went on to explore old buildings of the Fintry Estate....There is an old barn...round milking house...They are in a pretty bad shape...and I don't understand why local authorities aren't taking care of these old historical treasures? Only house thats in a good shape is Manor house....there is also meat packing house...pretty scary, haunted looking place...Whole place has a weird vibe, maybe because its so old...maybe cause it was cloudy out...but it felt slightly eerie..
Update: Fintry was great...Beautiful area....lots of history...pretty waterfall....Oh and whoever said there are 150 stairs - LIED! There are close to 500 stairs to climb to get to the top of the waterfall! But it was worth it!We all had fun as we always do when out exploring the nature...This was Sequoias 1st hike as well...I carried her in her she was able to look around and see everything...she loved it...After coming back down we went on to explore old buildings of the Fintry Estate....There is an old barn...round milking house...They are in a pretty bad shape...and I don't understand why local authorities aren't taking care of these old historical treasures? Only house thats in a good shape is Manor house....there is also meat packing house...pretty scary, haunted looking place...Whole place has a weird vibe, maybe because its so old...maybe cause it was cloudy out...but it felt slightly eerie..