Monday, 17 September 2012

Major Update!

So my last post was sometime in 8 months ago...ugh, I really have to do this blog "thing" more often! I want to write down whats new...everything we do so we can go back one day and read it and see photos...Kinda like a Diary...just Better!

Ok Soooo.....Big thing that happened since last post is that our baby girl Sequoia was born on April 29th!!! Just one day after her due date! And after 33hrs of labour 8lbs9oz baby! Pretty big they say!...

  Sequoia, few hrs old


Healthy, happy baby....She is 4mths now and is the most amazing thing that ever happened to me...I can't stop looking at her!...She is amazing little girl...she smiles all the time(she gets that from Me hehe)....laughs, giggles, squeals early in the morning(not crazy bout that one lol) amazingly strong for a 4 mth old...Has 2 teeth already...She is alert, curious, friendly, loves people...
I knew I wanted to be a mom, and was ready for it...But I could have never imagined that I would Love it so much! Ok, I gotta wasn't all lollipops and rainbows at the beginning..It was was a Huge adjustment..I was exhausted, trying to learn how to breastfeed...dealing w all hormonal changes...It aint pretty! But everything is back to normal now! I feel like my old self and enjoying every single minute of motherhood.

This is my sweet hubby Jeff! Best daddy ever! I knew that even before we had Sequoia tho....I saw how he was with his older daughter Sienna...I met him when she was 5 and now she is almost 12! He is caring, funny, goofy....always ready to around the park, do things that make her laugh....Just what type of  dad I wanted for Sequoia! <3                                                            

                And she is a Big sister now! - Sienna holding Sequoia few hrs after she was born!

This beautiful young lady is Sienna! Sequoia's Big sister and my stepdaughter! She is funny, smart, caring...and loves her lil sister! My heart melts every time I see two of them together! Sequoia has the biggest Grin on her face when Sienna walks into the room! and Sienna loves looking at her....carrying her around...playing w her....I was ready for some type of jealousy outburst at some point...because she was the only child in our house for almost 12y(she has older brother and sister from her moms side)...and that would be totally normal...having a new sibling is a huge change..But nope! She is as happy as always...I guess it was a good timing for her to have a baby she is becoming a young adult and is out of that baby stage herself. I fell so blessed to have these 2 amazing children in my life!

 Gramma Ceil and Grampa Bill came for a visit from Toronto when she was only One week old!! I am so Glad they did!! They were enormous help in those 1st few weeks!! They are amazing!!

And then after G&G left Auntie Barb came for a visit (from Toronto as well)....I love this woman! She has a special Way of doing dishes, and I was happy to let her do it her way while she was here!...She can be Bossy at times - But its Nice-bossy and I know its because she loves us and I don't mind her bossiness at all! Oh and she makes KILLER chocolate-Everything!! She loves chocolate and loves making desserts!...Only thing is I wish we all lived closer!  :-(

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