We finally had some fall weather this weekend....rainy and cold....Big sister had a friend over so we played board games, watched Blair Witch Project(as Halloween is 'round the corner so you have to watch scary movies - according to hubby)
Actually, attempted to watch it...but it was too scary for the girls so we switched to Ice Age, a family Favorite! It was fun, Sequoia loved watching and playing with the girls too!
I spent part of the Saturday babysitting two adorable girlies I use to watch!
I spent part of the Saturday babysitting two adorable girlies I use to watch!
It was great to hang out with them again, never a dull moment with those two! Love 'em!
Also on Saturday our car broke, blah...Jeff figured it's a fuel pump...and he will be replacing it!
It's sure awesome having a mechanically inclined husband who can fix the car for the fraction of the cost the "real" mechanics would charge us!
Now Sequoia "news"...This weekend she discovered her Tongue and she's been sticking it out every chance she gets, which is pretty much most of the time! Its hard to take pic of it as she keeps moving all the time but here is one!
She had her 1st Head Bonk this weekend...she was sitting and toppled over...she cried for a bit and then she was fine, didn't even get a bump on her head! Yep, just a 1st out of many to come I'm sure
She is sitting better every day! Here she is outside this morning..we were playing in the leafs
awww my baby looks so big here!
Oh and I finaly managed to snap a photo of her Teeth! here they are!
Oh and I finaly managed to snap a photo of her Teeth! here they are!
I am STILL taking photos with my phone...**sighs**....Charger still MIA
Hvala na posjeti i komentaru na mom blogu. Lijepa ti je porodica, posebno onaj mali slatkish sto je isplazio jezik. Vidim imamo mnogo toga zajednickog, pa se nadam da cemo se lijepo druziti!
Hvala Jasna i tebi na posjeti! Bas mi je drago sto sam nasla tvoj blog! Sad za vikend planiram pravit Maslenicu po tvom receptu! A ta mala rugalica mi je kcerkica Sequoia....Bosansko ime joj je Jasmina :)...Iz kojeg djela Bosne si ti? Ja sam iz Tuzle
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